Half Side of Beef – Kobe


Price Estimate is $9.14/lb x 330 lbs. Grass Fed Kobe 1/2 side of beef. Kobe beef has superior flavor and tenderness. All sides include lean ground beef, roasts and steaks.

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Kobe Beef originates from the Kobe province in Japan. Whispering Winds Ranch bought a small amount of Purebred stock in 2010 and now we are pleased to offer a limited supply of Kobe Beef to our customers. Kobe beef is renowned for its superior flavor, tenderness and high amount of intramuscular fat, giving the meat a marbled appearance. Our natural HORMONE-FREE beef is grown slowly on a forage diet and matures at 24-30 months of age. The average side of beef will weigh between 320 and 350 lbs (Sides are sold based on “hanging weight”, that is the weight of the beef after slaughter but before cutting and wrapping). All sides include lean ground beef, roasts and steaks. Price Estimate is $9.14/lb x 330 lbs.
We accept orders online for sides of beef with a 25% deposit on confirmation.