Note: our beef is sold by the pound – when you order it is an estimate of cost – final cost is determined by wrapped weight and invoiced on delivery

Order Premium Kobe Beef

Kobe Beef originates from the Kobe province in Japan. Whispering Winds Ranch bought a small amount of Purebred stock in 2010 and now we are pleased to offer a limited supply of Kobe Beef to our customers. Kobe beef is renowned for its superior flavor, tenderness and high amount of intramuscular fat, giving the meat a marbled appearance.


Store Information

Click on the "Add to Cart" button to add that cut of beef to your order or click on the product image to go to the product detail page and order your desired quantity.

GF - is Grass Finished Beef
Kobe - premium kobe beef

Free Frozen Delivery from Prince George along Highway #1 to Chilliwack – and pickup from a central location in your town.

We sell our beef to BC Customers only. Free Delivery along highway #1 from Prince George to Abbotsford. Dismiss